Men are called to serve God, lead their families, and be an example of God’s love and power to those around them. Our men's ministry provides men with the opportunity to build up, encourage, and protect each other while maturing in their faith.
Men meet on the fourth Saturday of every month - 8 AM at our Cathedral.
Men meet on the fourth Saturday of every month - 8 AM at our Cathedral.
Sunday Morning
7 AM • Cathedral Lobby
Every Sunday our men gather to pray as a group over each other, our families and communities, as well as participate in the Every Man a Warrior discipleship program.
Monday Night
6:30 PM • Fellowship Court
Weekly we meet for dinner and fellowship, then break out into small groups for Every Man a Warrior or the Iron Sharpens programs.
Men’s Breakfast
Various times throughout the year we gather on a Saturday for breakfast and to hear inspiring stories from guest speakers.
Men’s Prayer
In addition to personal prayer time and on Sunday mornings, our men come together for a special prayer service in December.
7 AM • Cathedral Lobby
Every Sunday our men gather to pray as a group over each other, our families and communities, as well as participate in the Every Man a Warrior discipleship program.
Monday Night
6:30 PM • Fellowship Court
Weekly we meet for dinner and fellowship, then break out into small groups for Every Man a Warrior or the Iron Sharpens programs.
Men’s Breakfast
Various times throughout the year we gather on a Saturday for breakfast and to hear inspiring stories from guest speakers.
Men’s Prayer
In addition to personal prayer time and on Sunday mornings, our men come together for a special prayer service in December.
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith,
act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. // 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Every Man A Warrior
Every Man A Warrior is a 32-week discipleship Bible study that helps men succeed in life.
EMAW builds into men the biblical principles and practical life skills to succeed in all areas of life.
EMAW builds into men the biblical principles and practical life skills to succeed in all areas of life.

Men's Advance
Our Men's Advance conference, held every two years, is developed to encourage and equip, empower and motivate, every man to live out God's design of manhood as the sons, fathers, husbands, and leaders He has created and called us to be.